What is zoning?

Drip Irrigation Zoning

Zoning is the dividing up of one large system into smaller parts.

This is necessary when the system’s water requirements exceed the available water flow. Some growers choose to zone their systems based upon the watering requirements of the different plantings.

For example, some vegetables require daily watering while others may require watering every three days.

Did You Know?

  • Drip irrigation systems use approximately 75% LESS water than your average sprinkler systems and 20% less than a soaker hose!
  • With drip irrigation, water is delivered directly to the root zone, decreasing the amount of water lost to evaporation and overspray.
  • Drip irrigation eliminates leaf wetness, delivering healthier. more quality flowers and produce.
  • By simply adding a timer to the end of your hose, you can schedule your watering for the best time of day for your plants without having to think!